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Entries Tagged as 'Academia'

Reports of the Death of Metaphysics Greatly Exaggerated

February 14th, 2005 · 1 Comment

Y’know, I had a niggling sense there was a blog post I’d been meaning to make, and now Yglesias reminds me by beating me to the punch. Ross Douthat’s Atlantic Monthly piece about Harvard contains the surprising (to this philosophy major) claim that “philosophy departments have largely purged themselves of metaphysicians and moralists,” apparently due […]


Tags: Academia

Straussian Feminism

February 4th, 2005 · 10 Comments

Stephen Pinker revisits the Lawrence Summers controversy, and I’m reminded of a good point a friend made recently: There’s apparently ample literature that whatever intrinsic differences in math (or whetever else) ability exist between men and women, they’re dwarfed by the differences that appear when people believe there’s some kind of biological disparity. In other […]


Tags: Academia