Intrigued by a post at the new Team Agitator, I decided to take a look around Since it allows you to search by religion, I was curious to see how many atheists were listed in the system (not many of us, apparently), and came upon an unusual gentleman by the name of Leo Sabra Blatt.
Blatt’s reason for incarceration is listed as “sedition,” which he explains as follows:
I´m doing time 4 running an underground railroad in the police state of Washington, called the Enlightening Bolt Project. EBP provided new (not stolen) identities to people accused of “not” crimes – Not paying the tax, not registering the property, not buying the license, not answering the officer´s questions, not signing the ticket, not wearing the seatbelt. Q: Do you know why y´godda wear your seatbelt? A: B´cuz the dead don´t pay taxes. My lawyer called me today´s Raoul Wallenberg. The feds saw me as a modern-day Spartacus – imposed 5 years. But I´m appealing (and kyna cute). Upon release, EBP will re-emerge as a legit civil rights law firm. I´m studying 4 the bar.
Actually seems pretty interesting; you may want to drop him a line. And as he points out, ladies, he’s a man in uniform.