Gestures at Ft. Reno from Julian Sanchez on Vimeo.
Cast: Julian Sanchez
photos by Lara Shipley
Tags: LoungeTV
Well, this is obviously incredibly flattering: Among the many dark tidings for American conservatism, there is one genuine bright spot. Over the past five years, a group of young and unpredictable rightward-leaning writers has emerged on the scene. These writers came of age as official conservatism slipped into decrepitude. Most of them were dismayed by […]
Tags: General Philosophy · Journalism & the Media · Libertarian Theory · Personal · Washington, DC
Something was bothering me as I watched Jonathan Zittrain‘s excellent and engaging talk at PDF the other day. I mean, beyond the fact that he looks approximately my age, which would cause me to weep bitter, bitter tears of shame and envy if it were true. No, it was something awfully familiar about his gestures, […]
If you had told me five years ago I’d be writing pieces attacking Democratic leadership forThe American Prospect, I would have been… skeptical. Welcome to our brave new world.
Tags: Horse Race Politics · Privacy and Surveillance · Self Promotion
Preach it.
Tags: Tech and Tech Policy
There are people out there bored enough to work up a lather over a photoshopped presidential seal? On the list of contemporary outrages, this surely ranks well below the emergence of “photoshopped” as an adjective.
Tags: Stupid Shit
From a press conference at the Personal Democracy Forum today: Larry Lessig: I’m a little lost here because I don’t have slides. Vint Cerf: Power corrupts, PowerPoint corrupts absolutely! Lessig, of course, reminded everyone that he actually uses Keynote.
Tags: Tech and Tech Policy
Mayhill Fowler must be a “citizen journalist,” because an ordinary member of the professional working press would get that pseudo-humble voice-of-the-people bullshit beaten out of them inside of about a week. I have never seen someone simultaneously trumpet their “outsider” status and long with such cringe-inducing desperation to be seen as part of the tribe.
Tags: Journalism & the Media
David Kris, a former top Justice Department attorney, knows more about FISA than pretty much anybody else out there. So his Guide to the FISA Amendment (part one and two) posted at Balkinization is required reading if ou care about the issue, as is Marty Lederman’s follow-up.
Tags: Privacy and Surveillance
One of Sullivan’s readers writes: I’m afraid that commercial is based on a lie, and a lie the left frequently tries to propagate. It is the lie that politicians “make” people go to war. The United States military is a VOLUNTEER force. When Alex becomes an adult and therefore eligible to join the army, it […]
Tags: War