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photos by Lara Shipley

Entries from May 2008

How Not to Frame a Question

May 7th, 2008 · 4 Comments

The Templeton Foundation has discovered that if you want to create the appearance of a lively exchange of divergent views, just ask a dozen people to answer a short question so insanely vaguely worded that you can be assured no two of them will actually be answering the same question. For instance: Does science make […]


Tags: Religion

They Argued With Her? In Academia!?

May 7th, 2008 · 5 Comments

Via PJ Doland, you really cannot make this stuff up: Priya Venkatesan taught English at Dartmouth College. She maintains that some of her students were so unreceptive of “French narrative theory” that it amounted to a hostile working environment. She is also readying lawsuits against her superiors, who she says papered over the harassment, as […]


Tags: Academia


May 7th, 2008 · 1 Comment

Well, I’m sold:


Tags: Random Cool Link

Anti-American Man?

May 5th, 2008 · 3 Comments

It’s got to say something about the hypersensitivity of the contemporary American right that Iron Man—Iron Man fer chrissakes—can be cast as a piece of anti-American leftie propaganda. For those unfamiliar with the plot—which nobody should be, because the movie is awesome and ought to be viewed immediately—let me sum up without, I hope, spoiling […]


Tags: Art & Culture · War