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photos by Lara Shipley

Entries from April 2008

Bad Luck, Architecture in Helsinki…

April 1st, 2008 · 2 Comments

Los Campesinos—who, despite the name, hail from Cardiff, home of Torchwood—have just (a) shamelessly lifted your sound and (b) done it approximately 7.92 times better. It’s OK, it happens to the best of ’em. If it helps, call Leonard Cohen and ask him about Jeff Buckley. Alternatively, substitute Bob Dylan and… anyone.


Tags: Art & Culture


April 1st, 2008 · 39 Comments

So, uh, yeah: If you’re a girl in your early teens and have no option but to carry to term an unplanned, unwanted pregnancy when you’re in no real position to care for a child, and when the burden of doing so is very likely to derail your future educational plans, the word for this […]


Tags: Horse Race Politics · Sociology