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photos by Lara Shipley

Dear Pitchfork…

February 9th, 2007 · 2 Comments

The new Apples in Stereo album rates, at absolute minimum, an 8.1. Please modulate your crack consumption accordingly. Or at the very least, attempt to find a reviewer who (1) does not hold the frankly inexplicable view that the middling Her Wallpaper Reverie constitues the band’s “peak” and (2) actually knows that the album is called Her Wallpaper Reverie, and not “Her Reverie Wallpaper.” On a similar note, consider pulling the Tone Soul Evolution review consisting of a two-paragraph bitch about how the band is “stingy with their promos” and a 6.3 rating that one senses the reviewer, through all his pique, must know to be a ludicrous lowball. Everyone understands your rankings are, let’s put it politely, “idiosyncratic,” but stuff like this makes it hard to justify giving them any credence.

Tags: Art & Culture



2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Adrienne // Feb 10, 2007 at 11:57 am

    Who needs to modulate their crack consumption again?

  • 2 Paul // Feb 23, 2007 at 9:21 pm

    Totally, agreed, Julian. Pitchfork makes the quintessential case for metareview sites. Most of the reviewers seem to be bitter, cynical hipsters. Not terribly surprising, I guess. I still say, though, that The Discovery of a World Inside The Moone is the Apples’ best album. Pitchfork’s take? 6.5