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photos by Lara Shipley

Entries from June 2006

Anecdotes, Aggregates, and Anguish

June 6th, 2006 · 4 Comments

Today, NPR’s Morning Edition had an audio commentary by a father whose 21-year-old son recently died of a heroin overdose, warning other parents to attend to warning signs like “the empty beer bottle in the backyard, the smell of pot on his clothes,” rather than remaining in denial, as he says he and his wife […]


Tags: Nannyism

Who Knows What Evil Lurks in the Hearts of Men?

June 5th, 2006 · 1 Comment

Documentary filmmaker Alex Gibney does: His one-hour movie The Human Behavior Experiments, which has been airing on Sundance, surveys three of the 20th century’s best known… uh… Human Behavior Experiments: The famous Milgram experiments on obedience to authority, the Stanford Prison Experiment, and Darley and Latane’s studies at Columbia on bystander apathy in response to […]


Tags: Journalism & the Media

Around the Blogosphere

June 3rd, 2006 · Comments Off on Around the Blogosphere

For reasons somewhat mysterious to me, I’ve been invited to join an impressive roster of heavies guestblogging at Steve Clemons’ The Washington Note for the next week. Check in there if you like, though I’ll try to remember to note it here when I post something at TWN.


Tags: War

Spruiell Redux

June 2nd, 2006 · 1 Comment

National Review‘s Stephen Spruiell takes issue with a pair of posts earlier this week that mentioned his recent article on the NSA’s sweeping phone records data mining program. We had a quick e-mail exchange, and I figured I might as well post a bit of that here.


Tags: Law

So… Much… Flensing!

June 2nd, 2006 · 1 Comment

I’d meant to mention I caught the Matthew Barney/Björk collaboration Drawing Restraing 9 on Wednesday. And I have to say, I’m a little surprised: It was over two hours with perhaps 5 minutes of dialogue. The rest was ship imagery, Japanese dancing, abundant supplies of vaseline, sea urchins, and flensing. Lots and lots and lots […]


Tags: Art & Culture

Children’s Books

June 1st, 2006 · Comments Off on Children’s Books

At the reception after the forum I mention in the post below, I ended up chatting with Jon Rauch, and mentioned that I was working on a proposal for a book. (I’ll tell y’all about it at some point when I’m a little further along in the process.) He said something to the effect that […]


Tags: Journalism & the Media

Gay Marriage at Cato

June 1st, 2006 · Comments Off on Gay Marriage at Cato

Much as I’d like to follow up that headline with a moving account of a ceremony officiated by Ed Crane in the glass-enclosed atrium, I’m actually referring to a forum on Gay Marriage, from which I’ve just returned coinciding with the release of a new Cato paper opposing the Federal Marriage Amendment, at which Yale […]


Tags: Sexual Politics