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photos by Lara Shipley

Entries from January 2005


January 5th, 2005 · Comments Off on Blogophobia

You know, I think I’ve got an inkling why some mainstream journalists seem to get so rankled by blogs. It’s not just that all that irritating fact checking and bias spotting. It’s that if you tend to write any kind of more abstract news-analysis type stuff, then unless you’re a serious expert on the topic […]


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New at Reason

January 4th, 2005 · Comments Off on New at Reason

The Pentagon and CIA have plans to hold Gitmo detainees indefinitely (i.e. for life) without trial at a new facility. You will be shocked to learn that I’m not a fan.


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Sweet Charity

January 3rd, 2005 · Comments Off on Sweet Charity

So, good on everyone who’s contributing to help the tsunami victims, and I understand this is in the context of the “stingy” crack, but does anyone else find all these conservablogs trumpeting the amount we’ve donated, in a sort of “look how extremely compassionate we are” fit, a little unseemly?


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