Email letters to Reason get shunted my way, and because the address is publicly posted on a high-traffic site, there’s a fair amount of spam. Including this: Subject: Use a Government grant to improve your life! Did you know the Government gives away money for almost any reason? It is incredibly simple to qualify for […]
Entries from June 2003
Oh, the Irony
June 6th, 2003 · Comments Off on Oh, the Irony
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Your Friendly Neighborhood Wall-Crawler
June 2nd, 2003 · Comments Off on Your Friendly Neighborhood Wall-Crawler
British scientists have developed a new material that may soon allow us to create Spider Man gloves. Displaying an astonishing shortsightedness, the researchers have held off thus far citing the high cost and limited scientific benefit. I think they’re just waiting for someone to develop a set of those web-slinging bracelets…
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Sanity… slipping…
June 2nd, 2003 · Comments Off on Sanity… slipping…
I figured I should finally break down and get a TV for my new gig at Reason. If CNN is this bad, I can’t imagine what Fox News will be like…
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The Cute and the Creepy in MS Word
June 2nd, 2003 · Comments Off on The Cute and the Creepy in MS Word
Via Plotzworld come some interesting revelations about Microsoft’s font sets. Go into MS Word, crank up your font size, and type “NYC” in capitals. Then highlight it and change the font to Webdings. Cute, huh? Ok, highlight it again and change the font to Wingdings. Creepy to say the least. Microsoft has said (and I’ll […]
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Libertarian Welfare
June 2nd, 2003 · Comments Off on Libertarian Welfare
A post by Atrios raises a question I’ve toyed with now and again for a few years. Minarchist libertarians by and large hold that crime prevention and the enforcement of rights are legitimate government functions and, by extension, legitimately funded through taxes of some sort. Redistribution, on the other hand, is held not to be […]
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