Just a reminder that this Wednesday, the inimitable Will Wilkinson and I will be championing the cause of creating mutant human/monkey-butler hybrids and other fine uses of genetic technologies at an Americas Future Foundation debate — part of their “issues that divide the right” series. Many conservatives will doubtless be there to cheer on Ramesh Ponnuru and Justin Torres as they insist that cloning is icky. It will warm the cockles of my black little libertarian heart if we can muster a few rabid free-marketeers on our side of the aisle.
It all goes down at the Fund for American Studies, 1706 New Hampshire Ave. NW (nearest Metro is DuPont). You don’t just have to listen to us babble; there are drinks at 7, then dinner and discussion at 7:30. If you can make it, RSVP to matthew@americasfuture.org.