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photos by Lara Shipley

Entries from July 2002

Ooga Ooga Ooga Chaka

July 21st, 2002 · Comments Off on Ooga Ooga Ooga Chaka

Thanks to Neil for exposing me to what may just be the funniest thing ever. (Still only slightly funnier than that other thing Neil exposes to me regularly…) Explanation or commentary would ruin the grand Zen of it all. Just go see.


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Quotation of the Evening

July 21st, 2002 · Comments Off on Quotation of the Evening

“I have a hundred dollars American, and a video camera. I’ll make you famous.”


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July 20th, 2002 · Comments Off on Network

“All I know is that first you’ve got to get mad. You’ve got to say, I’m a human being, goddammit! My life has value! So I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to […]


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Beam Him Up, Mr. Speaker

July 20th, 2002 · Comments Off on Beam Him Up, Mr. Speaker

You know, it’s stiff competition, but I think Jim Trafficant clearly is the craziest motherfucker in the U.S. Congress. Among his many quotable remarks, Lauren noted this one: “I will take with me a file, a chisel, a knife, I will try and get some major explosives, try to fight my way out,” Traficant said […]


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Speaking of the Radster, this

July 20th, 2002 · Comments Off on Speaking of the Radster, this

Speaking of the Radster, this is high-larious. I don’t even know why I bother putting out a blog when RB is producing shit like this. I am humbled. Or will be…


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Radley linked to this article

July 20th, 2002 · Comments Off on Radley linked to this article

Radley linked to this article in the U.K.’s Guardian. Without getting altogether too personal, I have to say: it has nothing to do with pedophelia. It has nothing to do with pornography. It’s just kinda hot, & that’s just all there is to it. Ok, I said it. I’ll return to politics and philosophy shortly, […]


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I’m taking my jurisdiction and going home…

July 16th, 2002 · Comments Off on I’m taking my jurisdiction and going home…

This bill (Word document) would set a disturbing precedent: don’t like how the federal courts have ruled on something? Well, hey, just remove their jurisdiction on that issue — in this case, religious propaganda in the pledge of allegiance. “Separation of powers,” you say? Hell’s bells, man, it’s an election season, no time for fine […]


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D.A.R.E. to be a F***ing Scumbag

July 11th, 2002 · Comments Off on D.A.R.E. to be a F***ing Scumbag

Courtesy of Gene — this is just atrocious. Some 17 year old pissant just set his own father up for 5 years in jail for the crime of growing dope. The worst part is that it comes out all too clearly in the article that the kid was just doing it for attention. He felt […]


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The Agony over Ecstacy

July 10th, 2002 · Comments Off on The Agony over Ecstacy

First, we had PATRIOT, a terrifying bill with a cute title which should have chilled the blood of any real patriot. Now, Congress continues the ironic-titling trend with the RAVE Act, short for Reducing Americans’ Vulnerability to Ecstacy, an assault on partying so massive that it would put the Reverend Shaw Moore to shame. Like […]


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At Camelot

July 10th, 2002 · Comments Off on At Camelot

Don’t laugh, but at the ripe-old-age of 23, last evening out with some colleagues was my first trip to a strip club. Entertaining, but also annoying. Because the natural reaction to an hour or two watching limber, attractive, & well proportioned persons disrobe and gyrate is, well, to be favorably disposed to certain indoor sports. […]


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